Monday, November 9, 2009

"Welcome to Your New Home..." Pg. 17-37

Lennie and I got to the bunkhouse and it seemed like a small rectangle building. I walked in and Lennie followed me. When we arrived, this old man told us where to put our stuff. I carelessly threw my blankets down on the bunk. Then I picked up this yellow can that was on my bed. The old man said it was just the blacksmith who used to live there before me. The old man suggested that it was to kill all the roaches and lice. At this point, I was thoroughly confused. I asked why he just quit, but the old man said "because he didn't like the food." Although I was very suspicious why the blacksmith quit, I inspected my bed thoroughly. I made my bed very neatly and unpacked all of my stuff. I realized that the boss was angry at Lennie and I when we didn't arrive early in the morning like we were supposed to. I later found out that when the boss is angry or mad, he takes out all of his anger on this black man. I felt very shocked by that. Finally the boss walked in and I reached into my pocket to give him mine and Lennie's work slip. I told him that we were late because the bus driver that dropped us off lied to us. I said that the bus driver said we were only a little bit away, but we really had to walk like ten miles to get to the ranch. I was very aggravated by the bus driver and now by the boss. He came across very demanding and mean, but the old man assured me that he was "a nice fella." I scowled at Lennie to physically remind him not to talk. While we talked to the boss, Lennie forgot and said something. I later became very annoyed with him because he didn't listen to me. I stuck up for Lennie when the boss was talking to him because the boss was not acting very kind towards him. I assured the boss that Lennie is a very hard-working man, but not very bright. After we spoke with the boss, the boss's son, Curley, came in. Immediately, he started problems with Lennie because he was big. This bothered me to no end. Lennie can't stand up for himself, that's why I'm there to stick up for him. I already don't like the looks of this Curley guy, so I don't really know how this is going to end up. I might get tangled up in him all by myself just because I don't like him.

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