Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"Lennie's Mind Goes Wild..." Pg. 101-104

Lennie's sitting in the brush waiting for me to come get him. He's so nervous that I'm going to be very upset with him. Then, his mind runs terribly wild. He imagines his Aunt Clara standing right in front of him saying how unappreciative he is to me, and how he never listens. Lennie is a huge pest to me, but I always put up with him. After Lennie sees his Aunt Clara, he imagines the rabbits and thinks about how I won't let him tend them when we have our own ranch. He realizes all the back things he has done and he knows that I will be upset with him. The rabbit tells Lennie that I'm sick of his nonsense and that Lennie should just go far away somewhere. The rabbit says I'll beat the crap out of Lennie because he didn't listen. Then I came running out of the brush because Lennie was yelling for me. I told him that I wanted him to stay with me and that I was going to stay with him too. I love Lennie and I don't want anything bad to happen to him. I look out for him and I really don't know what I'd do if he wasn't around anymore.

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