Sunday, November 15, 2009

"Don't Talk to Her..." Pg. 86-92

Lennie was alone in the barn. He was very upset because he was petting a dead puppy. He kept asking why it died like he was going to get an answer. He asked himself if I was going to get mad at him because the pup died. Then, out of nowhere, Curley's wife came into the barn. She snuck in to see Lennie. I told Lennie that he is not to talk or even look at her. He knows that she causes many problems. She tells him that she get awfully lonely and she would really like to talk to him. Lennie tells her no because she will get them all in trouble. She told Lennie that she really did not like Curley. She said that she should have been a movie star. After that, she changed the subject and she asked Lennie why he was nuts about rabbits. Then he moved cautiously close to her and said that he likes to pet nice things. She backed away from him and called him nuts. She took Lennie's hand and made him feel her soft hair because he told her that he loved to touch nice things. When Lennie grabbed her nice soft hair, she told him not to mess it up. Lennie grabbed it and would not let go. Curley's wife screamed and Lennie became nervous that I would hear. He did not want me to yell at him because he's talking to Curley's wife. Curley's wife was yelling and Lennie put his hand over he mouth to stop her yelling, but she wouldn't stop. After the first failed attempt, he shook her and shook her until she stopped. He broke her neck and killed her. Lennie is so afraid not that I'm going to yell. Lennie went to the brush like I told him to do if he ever gets in trouble.

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