Monday, November 2, 2009

"Through the Woods..." Pg. 1-16

My name is George and when Lennie and I were back home, Lennie touched this girl's dress and wouldn't let go of it. The problem is that Lennie has a mental disability that people are not aware of and no one realized that when he wouldn't let go of her dress. Lennie didn't think he was doing anything wrong. People accused him of assaulting her, so Lennie had to run away. I look out for my best friend Lennie because of his disability, but sometimes, he really aggravates me. Lennie and I went on a bus to this ranch that we are going to work at. The bus driver said that the ranch we were going to was very close and we only had a little ways to walk to it. Turns out when we got off the bus, it took forever to walk to. I was so angry with the bus driver. Between Lennie's silly mistake and the dumb bus driver, I was furious. While we were walking through the woods along a river, Lennie kept asking me what we were doing and where we were going. I knew he had a disability, but he kept getting to me and became really annoying. So I told Lennie where we were going, but no sooner or later, he forgot and asked again. As we sat down to cook our beans that I had brought, Lennie asked for some ketchup. This is when I really freaked out on him. I told him that if I were alone and I didn't have to worry about him, I'd have such a great life. I told him that maybe I'd even have a girlfriend. He became so infuriating that I couldn't take it anymore. I told him how ungrateful he was. Later I realized how terrible I was and I apologized to him. I told him I didn't want him to leave and that I wanted him to stay with me. After that, I told him his favorite story about our future together on a farm. Lennie and I both love to hear that story and when I told it, we were both very excited. This made me very happy and it turned my mood around completely.

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