Thursday, November 12, 2009

"New Friend..." Pg. 38-43

After all the work we did today, Slim and I returned to the bunkhouse. I really like Slim, he seems like a really nice guy. He gave a puppy to Lennie and I thanked him for being so kind. I appreciated his kindness and so did Lennie. Slim likes how Lennie and I are so close. He doesn't understand why more people aren't like Lennie and I. I love to look out for Lennie. I have his back no matter what the situation is. After we talked about mine and Lennie's relationship, I told Slim the whole story of how we became "brothers." Slim loved to hear it. I believe that Slim really likes Lennie and I. After that story, I told Slim what happened in Weed, and how we had to leave there. I could tell her was very interested in how great Lennie and I get together and work together. I think I really like this Slim guy; we'll get along very well.

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