Sunday, November 15, 2009

"Lennie's All Alone..." Pg. 69-73

I told Lennie that he had to stay at the bunkhouse by himself so he wouldn't get in trouble. All of the other guys and I went out to town. Lennie went to go and check on his pup. He saw another light on and walked right into the room. It was Crooks' room. Lennie asked why he was in the barn and Crooks said that it's because he's black and unwanted in the bunkhouse. Lennie and Crooks almost got into a fight because Crooks felt violated when Lennie barged in. After they mingled for a bit, Crooks invited Lennie in and they started talking. Crooks asked about Lennie and I. He was talking about if I never came back to the bunkhouse. He asked what would Lennie do without me. Crooks was getting Lennie nervous that I was not coming home. Then Crooks let all of his frustration out on Lennie. He kept venting to him about how he was treated because he was black. Lennie did not know what to do. Crooks told Lennie how nice it was to have someone that is always there for you. I am always there for Lennie. I could tell that Crooks was very upset and lonely.

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