Sunday, November 15, 2009

"Candy's Best Friend..." Pg. 45-50

Lennie took the pup to his bunk away from the mother and I yelled at him to put it back. It really aggravated me that he didn't listen, yet again. He finally took it back to the box in the barn. Later, a bunch of us were talking about Candy's dog. I think that the dog is suffering more now that he's still alive. Carlson insisted that Candy should just shoot him and end his misery, but Candy doesn't want to because he had him since a pup. I told Candy that Slim would give him a pup from his litter. After I mentioned that, Candy stopped and hesitated for a bit. After he thought about it, Carlson led the suffering dog outside into the darkness. I could tell that Candy was very upset. I saw that lonely look in his eyes and I knew that he was taking this very hard. Then, a shot sounded in the distance and Candy rolled over on his bed. I felt so bad for him, although he knew that it had to be done. Hopefully Candy's depression lightens.

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