Sunday, November 15, 2009

"Here Comes Trouble..." Pg. 54-62

Curley busted through the bunkhouse door looking for his wife. Then he asked where Slim was. It seemed to me that he was very aggravated and anxious to see him. He frightened me by the way he slammed the door behind him. I asked Whit why Curley was hunting Slim down, and he said that Slim probably got tangled up with Curley's wife. After that talk with Whit, I went over to Lennie. I asked Lennie if he saw Curley's wife with Slim when them two were in the barn. Lennie said no, he didn't. I was just looking out for Lennie. I told him that if there was a fight to stay out of it. I was nervous for Lennie because most of the time he doesn't listen. Lennie and I continued playing cards while I asked questions about Slim and Curley's wife. Later on, Slim, Curley, Whit, and Carlson came back inside. I could tell Slim was aggravated because Curley kept asking him if he was with his wife. Carlson buts in after Slim and Curley argue, and I could tell that Curley was becoming very frustrated. Curley stepped up to Lennie just because he was smiling. I knew that Lennie meant no harm; he was just still smiling about the memory of the ranch. Then, Curley's rage built up and he hit Lennie and accused him of laughing. I yelled at Lennie to hit him back, but he wouldn't. I knew that Lennie could hit real hard when he wanted to. Slim was about to jump in and save Lennie, but I grabbed him and cheered on Lennie. I knew Lennie could do it. He listened to me when I said 'get him!' and then he won the fight. After that, the fight was over and everyone was in amazement because of Lennie's great comeback.

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