Monday, November 16, 2009

"The Tragedy..." Pg. 94-98

Candy and I walked into the barn and found Curley's wife dead. I didn't know what happened, but after I pondered about it, I immediately thought about Lennie. I suggested that we'd tell the boys and maybe the police will lock him up and be nice to him. Lennie had a mental disorder and maybe the police would consider that. I was so scared for Lennie, I knew he didn't mean any harm. Candy said that we should just let him get away, but I knew that Lennie can't survive on his own. I told Candy we had to tell the boys. I mentioned that every time Lennie did something wrong, he really didn't mean it because he never understands what he's doing wrong. Lennie didn't realize what he was doing to Curley's wife, and I know that Lennie is scared and sorry. I felt really terrible for Lennie and I tried sticking up for him in front of the boys, but it was hard because Curley just wanted to kill him. I don't blame Curley, but he really should take into consideration that Lennie had a mental disability. Candy and I discussed the plan. I told him that I would go back into the barn with everyone else and Candy would come rushing over with the news. I don't want the boys thinking that I had something to do with her death. When Curley found her dead, he immediately knew it had to be Lennie. He threatened to get his shot gun and kill him. After hearing that, I was terrified for Lennie.

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