Sunday, November 22, 2009

"I Had to Do It..." Pg. 105-106

Lennie and I were standing in the brush staring out at the distance. I told him about how we are going to get a little place. I took Carlson's Luger out of my pocket while Lennie was upstream. I was so nervous and I didn't know how to do this, but I knew it had to be done. I looked quickly at the back of Lennie's head, and raised the gun with an unsteady hand. A rush a fear grew within me and I had to lower the gun. Then Lennie, unaware of what I was doing, kept saying 'go on.' Therefore, I continued the story. Lennie turned his head to me, but I immediately told him to turn back around. I didn't want him to see what I was about to do. I was nervous the way it was and I didn't want Lennie to see me. I then told him that if he looked far into the distance, he could see our ranch. I felt terrible for doing this to Lennie, but it was for his own good. I told Lennie that I was not mad at him and that I never will be. Then, I looked back down at the gun. I raised it up with an unsteady hand, and pulled the trigger. This feeling was indescribable, but it had to be done for Lennie's sake. I wanted to look out for Lennie, just like I always did. I needed to kill him. If I didn't kill him, Curley would have made Lennie's death horrid and painful. He was my best friend, I had to do it.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"Lennie's Mind Goes Wild..." Pg. 101-104

Lennie's sitting in the brush waiting for me to come get him. He's so nervous that I'm going to be very upset with him. Then, his mind runs terribly wild. He imagines his Aunt Clara standing right in front of him saying how unappreciative he is to me, and how he never listens. Lennie is a huge pest to me, but I always put up with him. After Lennie sees his Aunt Clara, he imagines the rabbits and thinks about how I won't let him tend them when we have our own ranch. He realizes all the back things he has done and he knows that I will be upset with him. The rabbit tells Lennie that I'm sick of his nonsense and that Lennie should just go far away somewhere. The rabbit says I'll beat the crap out of Lennie because he didn't listen. Then I came running out of the brush because Lennie was yelling for me. I told him that I wanted him to stay with me and that I was going to stay with him too. I love Lennie and I don't want anything bad to happen to him. I look out for him and I really don't know what I'd do if he wasn't around anymore.

Monday, November 16, 2009

"The Tragedy..." Pg. 94-98

Candy and I walked into the barn and found Curley's wife dead. I didn't know what happened, but after I pondered about it, I immediately thought about Lennie. I suggested that we'd tell the boys and maybe the police will lock him up and be nice to him. Lennie had a mental disorder and maybe the police would consider that. I was so scared for Lennie, I knew he didn't mean any harm. Candy said that we should just let him get away, but I knew that Lennie can't survive on his own. I told Candy we had to tell the boys. I mentioned that every time Lennie did something wrong, he really didn't mean it because he never understands what he's doing wrong. Lennie didn't realize what he was doing to Curley's wife, and I know that Lennie is scared and sorry. I felt really terrible for Lennie and I tried sticking up for him in front of the boys, but it was hard because Curley just wanted to kill him. I don't blame Curley, but he really should take into consideration that Lennie had a mental disability. Candy and I discussed the plan. I told him that I would go back into the barn with everyone else and Candy would come rushing over with the news. I don't want the boys thinking that I had something to do with her death. When Curley found her dead, he immediately knew it had to be Lennie. He threatened to get his shot gun and kill him. After hearing that, I was terrified for Lennie.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

"Don't Talk to Her..." Pg. 86-92

Lennie was alone in the barn. He was very upset because he was petting a dead puppy. He kept asking why it died like he was going to get an answer. He asked himself if I was going to get mad at him because the pup died. Then, out of nowhere, Curley's wife came into the barn. She snuck in to see Lennie. I told Lennie that he is not to talk or even look at her. He knows that she causes many problems. She tells him that she get awfully lonely and she would really like to talk to him. Lennie tells her no because she will get them all in trouble. She told Lennie that she really did not like Curley. She said that she should have been a movie star. After that, she changed the subject and she asked Lennie why he was nuts about rabbits. Then he moved cautiously close to her and said that he likes to pet nice things. She backed away from him and called him nuts. She took Lennie's hand and made him feel her soft hair because he told her that he loved to touch nice things. When Lennie grabbed her nice soft hair, she told him not to mess it up. Lennie grabbed it and would not let go. Curley's wife screamed and Lennie became nervous that I would hear. He did not want me to yell at him because he's talking to Curley's wife. Curley's wife was yelling and Lennie put his hand over he mouth to stop her yelling, but she wouldn't stop. After the first failed attempt, he shook her and shook her until she stopped. He broke her neck and killed her. Lennie is so afraid not that I'm going to yell. Lennie went to the brush like I told him to do if he ever gets in trouble.

"Lennie's All Alone..." Pg. 69-73

I told Lennie that he had to stay at the bunkhouse by himself so he wouldn't get in trouble. All of the other guys and I went out to town. Lennie went to go and check on his pup. He saw another light on and walked right into the room. It was Crooks' room. Lennie asked why he was in the barn and Crooks said that it's because he's black and unwanted in the bunkhouse. Lennie and Crooks almost got into a fight because Crooks felt violated when Lennie barged in. After they mingled for a bit, Crooks invited Lennie in and they started talking. Crooks asked about Lennie and I. He was talking about if I never came back to the bunkhouse. He asked what would Lennie do without me. Crooks was getting Lennie nervous that I was not coming home. Then Crooks let all of his frustration out on Lennie. He kept venting to him about how he was treated because he was black. Lennie did not know what to do. Crooks told Lennie how nice it was to have someone that is always there for you. I am always there for Lennie. I could tell that Crooks was very upset and lonely.

"Here Comes Trouble..." Pg. 54-62

Curley busted through the bunkhouse door looking for his wife. Then he asked where Slim was. It seemed to me that he was very aggravated and anxious to see him. He frightened me by the way he slammed the door behind him. I asked Whit why Curley was hunting Slim down, and he said that Slim probably got tangled up with Curley's wife. After that talk with Whit, I went over to Lennie. I asked Lennie if he saw Curley's wife with Slim when them two were in the barn. Lennie said no, he didn't. I was just looking out for Lennie. I told him that if there was a fight to stay out of it. I was nervous for Lennie because most of the time he doesn't listen. Lennie and I continued playing cards while I asked questions about Slim and Curley's wife. Later on, Slim, Curley, Whit, and Carlson came back inside. I could tell Slim was aggravated because Curley kept asking him if he was with his wife. Carlson buts in after Slim and Curley argue, and I could tell that Curley was becoming very frustrated. Curley stepped up to Lennie just because he was smiling. I knew that Lennie meant no harm; he was just still smiling about the memory of the ranch. Then, Curley's rage built up and he hit Lennie and accused him of laughing. I yelled at Lennie to hit him back, but he wouldn't. I knew that Lennie could hit real hard when he wanted to. Slim was about to jump in and save Lennie, but I grabbed him and cheered on Lennie. I knew Lennie could do it. He listened to me when I said 'get him!' and then he won the fight. After that, the fight was over and everyone was in amazement because of Lennie's great comeback.

"Candy's Best Friend..." Pg. 45-50

Lennie took the pup to his bunk away from the mother and I yelled at him to put it back. It really aggravated me that he didn't listen, yet again. He finally took it back to the box in the barn. Later, a bunch of us were talking about Candy's dog. I think that the dog is suffering more now that he's still alive. Carlson insisted that Candy should just shoot him and end his misery, but Candy doesn't want to because he had him since a pup. I told Candy that Slim would give him a pup from his litter. After I mentioned that, Candy stopped and hesitated for a bit. After he thought about it, Carlson led the suffering dog outside into the darkness. I could tell that Candy was very upset. I saw that lonely look in his eyes and I knew that he was taking this very hard. Then, a shot sounded in the distance and Candy rolled over on his bed. I felt so bad for him, although he knew that it had to be done. Hopefully Candy's depression lightens.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

"New Friend..." Pg. 38-43

After all the work we did today, Slim and I returned to the bunkhouse. I really like Slim, he seems like a really nice guy. He gave a puppy to Lennie and I thanked him for being so kind. I appreciated his kindness and so did Lennie. Slim likes how Lennie and I are so close. He doesn't understand why more people aren't like Lennie and I. I love to look out for Lennie. I have his back no matter what the situation is. After we talked about mine and Lennie's relationship, I told Slim the whole story of how we became "brothers." Slim loved to hear it. I believe that Slim really likes Lennie and I. After that story, I told Slim what happened in Weed, and how we had to leave there. I could tell her was very interested in how great Lennie and I get together and work together. I think I really like this Slim guy; we'll get along very well.

Monday, November 9, 2009

"Welcome to Your New Home..." Pg. 17-37

Lennie and I got to the bunkhouse and it seemed like a small rectangle building. I walked in and Lennie followed me. When we arrived, this old man told us where to put our stuff. I carelessly threw my blankets down on the bunk. Then I picked up this yellow can that was on my bed. The old man said it was just the blacksmith who used to live there before me. The old man suggested that it was to kill all the roaches and lice. At this point, I was thoroughly confused. I asked why he just quit, but the old man said "because he didn't like the food." Although I was very suspicious why the blacksmith quit, I inspected my bed thoroughly. I made my bed very neatly and unpacked all of my stuff. I realized that the boss was angry at Lennie and I when we didn't arrive early in the morning like we were supposed to. I later found out that when the boss is angry or mad, he takes out all of his anger on this black man. I felt very shocked by that. Finally the boss walked in and I reached into my pocket to give him mine and Lennie's work slip. I told him that we were late because the bus driver that dropped us off lied to us. I said that the bus driver said we were only a little bit away, but we really had to walk like ten miles to get to the ranch. I was very aggravated by the bus driver and now by the boss. He came across very demanding and mean, but the old man assured me that he was "a nice fella." I scowled at Lennie to physically remind him not to talk. While we talked to the boss, Lennie forgot and said something. I later became very annoyed with him because he didn't listen to me. I stuck up for Lennie when the boss was talking to him because the boss was not acting very kind towards him. I assured the boss that Lennie is a very hard-working man, but not very bright. After we spoke with the boss, the boss's son, Curley, came in. Immediately, he started problems with Lennie because he was big. This bothered me to no end. Lennie can't stand up for himself, that's why I'm there to stick up for him. I already don't like the looks of this Curley guy, so I don't really know how this is going to end up. I might get tangled up in him all by myself just because I don't like him.

Monday, November 2, 2009

"Through the Woods..." Pg. 1-16

My name is George and when Lennie and I were back home, Lennie touched this girl's dress and wouldn't let go of it. The problem is that Lennie has a mental disability that people are not aware of and no one realized that when he wouldn't let go of her dress. Lennie didn't think he was doing anything wrong. People accused him of assaulting her, so Lennie had to run away. I look out for my best friend Lennie because of his disability, but sometimes, he really aggravates me. Lennie and I went on a bus to this ranch that we are going to work at. The bus driver said that the ranch we were going to was very close and we only had a little ways to walk to it. Turns out when we got off the bus, it took forever to walk to. I was so angry with the bus driver. Between Lennie's silly mistake and the dumb bus driver, I was furious. While we were walking through the woods along a river, Lennie kept asking me what we were doing and where we were going. I knew he had a disability, but he kept getting to me and became really annoying. So I told Lennie where we were going, but no sooner or later, he forgot and asked again. As we sat down to cook our beans that I had brought, Lennie asked for some ketchup. This is when I really freaked out on him. I told him that if I were alone and I didn't have to worry about him, I'd have such a great life. I told him that maybe I'd even have a girlfriend. He became so infuriating that I couldn't take it anymore. I told him how ungrateful he was. Later I realized how terrible I was and I apologized to him. I told him I didn't want him to leave and that I wanted him to stay with me. After that, I told him his favorite story about our future together on a farm. Lennie and I both love to hear that story and when I told it, we were both very excited. This made me very happy and it turned my mood around completely.